Saturday 21 May 2022

Friday 20th May 2022

Woke around 0800 after getting a reasonable night's sleep...still don't feel rested, though, and don't think I will ever again! I cooked a breakfast, and downed a couple of mugs of tea. Texted Geoff to check they'd gotten home OK. Did a couple of hours work at the computer before Aki needed it for a zoom meeting with her Japanese 'Samaritan's' team. I cooked a chorizo and pea risotto, with cavolo nero on the side. Popped across to Jane and Carlos at No.36 to get Carlos to witness our signing of the Land Registry Transfer document in respect of the purchase of the freehold interest at No.3 Sussex Way. Drove to Stoke Newington for warm up. Theatre about a third full tonight, which was nice, but they were very quiet for the first half of the show. They let their hair down for the second half, though, and whooped in appreciation at the curtain call. Nick was in , so said a quick hello to him, and Stephen and Sarah Ley, who go back 40 years to my early days at The Tower when I first came to London...they were beaming with delight. Seems to be going down...well, a storm! Drove home for a well-earned bath and to get my fatigued body and vocal cords through two shows tomorrow!

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