Monday 16 May 2022

Monday 16th May 2022

Woke at around 0630. Got up and made myself a mug of tea, and prepared a packed lunch. Headed south toward Charlton, stopping there for petrol, before driving on to Tunbridge Wells. Spent most of the day in and around the town, having my lunch in the car on a 60s era Council estate. Aki phoned to say that her brother-in-law, Noburu, has been diagnosed with lung cancer...he's been a long time smoker. Hopefully they've caught it early...he's due an operation next month to remove a portion of one lung. Ended inspections at 1530ish in Horsemonden, a little village to the east of Tunbridge Wells, then drove to Stoke Newington, getting there around 1715, which gave me time to visit Sutton's fish & chip shop...I ate in the theatre bar area. The tech started at around was a long slog. I tired around 2200, and struggled to get through it, but we finally finished at about midnight, and i drove home. Aki already in bed. I worked a bit on my script and had a soak in the bath, getting to bed a little before 0200...

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