Monday 31 January 2022

Monday 31st January 2022

Woke around 0730 and got up at 0800 to make tea and porridge. Sat at the computer for a couple of hours before heading out in the car for south-east London. Drove around Forest Hill, East Dulwich, Peckham and Peckham Rye for most of the rest of the day, stopping to eat my packed lunch in the car in a street in East Dulwich village. By the time I got to Marlton Street, Greenwich, it was getting can see my car headlights helping to pick out the final shot of the day. Stopped off at M&S in Charlton to get some lunch items for tomorrow's packed lunch, then drove home. Got home at 1900 just as Aki was serving up a vegetable curry and dahl, with rice and naan bread. Worked all evening to get everything written up, as I need to start on a new job in Cambridgeshire tomorrow.  Wonder if I'll get time to call in on Uncle Pete? Aki called Kath, as she had reported having had to get herself to A&E to have an eye infection looked at...sounds like a bad case of conjunctivitis. Looks 'orrible! Says it's very painful!!! Bath and bed.

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