Sunday 23 January 2022

Saturday 22nd January 2022

Woke at 0730 so got up and did some work at the computer writing up notes from the past two days inspections. Aki went on a zoom call mid morning with the Japanese version of Samaritans, with whom she is being trained up to accept calls from suicidal Japanese people. Broke for lunch, but Aki still at the zoom meeting. Prepared lunch for both of us, and ate without Aki. Finished "Shuggie Bain"...very moved by the last chapter...superbly written novel, but bleak in a way only something set in Glasgow can be bleak!!! Did a Waitrose shop in the afternoon. Aki warmed up her aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, with lots of vegetables on the side. Cracked open my homemade carrot and parsnip chutney, which went down a treat with cheese and biscuits. Watched a bit of telly...the last episode of "The Tourist" was appallingly bad...the script went downhill as fast as the narrative! Early bath and bed...

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