Wednesday 12 January 2022

Tuesday 11th January 2022

Fitful night's sleep. The hernia repair pain kept me awake in the early the end I got up and did a couple of hours work at the computer. Made a packed lunch and drove back out to East Ham and Beckton. Then through the Blackwall Tunnel to Charlton, stopping off for elevenses at IKEA. Popped in to M&S to get some lunch items, and headed east to Woolwich and Plumstead. Ate my lunch in the car on Plumstead Common. Ended the working day in Erith, and headed for home once darkness had descended. Got home about 1815. Aki warmed up the roast cauliflower and pearl barley I'd cooked at the weekend, and added a cheese sauce. I spent most of the evening at the computer before bath and bed.

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