Thursday 6 January 2022

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Aki left a mug of tea at my door. Ate my porridge in bed, and started work on the laptop in a similarly prone position. Got up around 1000 and worked at the desk.  Did a LFT...still positive, but the line is very faint. Hopefully that means I'm slowly crawling to a negative result. Did some exercising in the back yard. Cold out there today, though. Broke for a late lunch. Aki popped out after lunch for a walk and to get some odds and ends. Got so bored with work that I got back into bed and had an afternoon nap! Aki warmed up the Spanish chicken and bean stew for dinner. Nowt on telly, so listened to Chelsea roll over Spurs in the League Cup semi-final first leg. Bath and bed.

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