Saturday 15 January 2022

Saturday 15th January 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and did a bit of work at the computer before Aki made porridge for breakfast. Aki cycled down to Essex Road mid morning to visit the fishmonger. We had a late brunch/early lunch, then I got kitted up for the cycle ride to Stoke Newington. Bit cold out, but soon got warmed up. Arrived at the theatre in good time. Got chatting to Colin and Simona about the up-coming gig night. It seems Martin South is set to play some bass, so hopefully I can persuade him to back my blues numbers. There'll be a young drummer, and Colin is up for playing some second guitar...could be groovy! The afternoon was spent with the four short play directors explaining their technical requirements to several newcomers who are being encouraged to give set design, lighting design, costume etc a first go, with some old hands mentoring them along the way. Sheila Burbage was there, who had played the bad fairy in the Cinderella panto I was in 40 years ago, so we had a brief reminisce. About twenty or so new volunteers turned up, so hopefully some will go on to get involved in the forthcoming productions. We await further developments. Cycled back slowly, as it felt as if my handlebars were working loose. Got home before 1700. Aki busy cooking biscotti, and a fish pie, which we had for dinner. Watched Nomadland with the marvellous Frances McDormand ekeing out a life on the road with other US oldsters who couldn't afford to live on the $550 dollar a month state pension, so took to living in camper vans and doing all manner of seasonal labour in whatever state would accept them. Not the retirement they'd planned...all quite depressing!

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