Saturday 29 January 2022

Friday 28th January 2022


On the road again today. Made a packed lunch and set off at 0900 for Waterloo Bridge, and then on down to Thornton Heath. Stopped off at Sainsburys and discovered it shared a car park with the Crystal Palace football ground...a rather ugly edifice! Ate my lunch in the car in a residential street in Catford. Ended the working day in my old stomping ground of Forest Hill. Drove home to pick Aki up, and we drove into Moorgate. Tried parking the car in the Barbican car park, but we'd both forgotten our debit cards, and it wouldn't take ApplePay, so we parked in a street off Silk Street, which was considerably cheaper than the Barbican option. Had dinner at Cote Brasserie on Beech Street...the bourguignon beef cheeks were melt-in-the-mouth good. Hooked up with Kevin and his missus, Laurence, in the bar at the Pit...we hadn't met her before...she teaches French at the Institute Francais in South Kensington. The show was part of this years rather cut down London International Mime Festival...a kind of cabaret show by a couple of dance companies who specialise in lip-synching, to great effect, and drag. It had it's moments...I particularly enjoyed the solo piece for Sid Vicious...but it all got a bit samey, and wasn't really my bag. We drove Kevin and Laurence home to No.93, and they invited us in for a quick snifter. Laurence had several stunning paintings by her deceased brother on the walls of the kitchen/dining room...his still life's were stunning. 

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