Thursday 13 January 2022

Wednesday 12th January 2022

My sleep was disturbed by the unearthly sound of a couple of foxes making out in the back yard...went on for about 20 minutes! Aki didn't hear a thing...her ear plugs are evidently top of the range! Got up at 0800 and made a packed lunch. Did a LFT prior to tonight's theatre rehearsal. Tested negative again. Headed for Greenwich, and on to Lewisham. Popped into a Tesco store there to pick up some lunch items. Ate my lunch in the car in a side street in Brockley. Ended the working day in Rotherhithe, and drove to Stoke Newington, via the Rotherhithe Tunnel. Parked up near the theatre and went in search of food...ended up in Fuji, a little Japanese restaurant on Church Street...the chicken teriyaki bento box was underwhelming. Met up with George Savona, the director, in the theatre bar area, and Matthew and Bianca joined us for rehearsal in the basement. They are both very good...intelligent, thinking actors, who'll do a grand job. I think George may be a retired English Lit teacher, as he picked out passages of alliteration which we hadn't cottoned on to. Finished rehearsals at 2145 and drove home exhausted!

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