Wednesday 2 February 2022

Tuesday 1st February 2022


Woke at 0800 and hauled myself up and at 'em. Made tea, porridge, and a packed lunch. Did some work at the computer before heading out in the motor for Birchanger Green Service station on the M11 where I picked up some lunch items and a coffee before driving on toward Haverhill. Spent the day inspecting cottages, a lot of them with thatched roofs...this one was in Stapleford. Had my lunch in the car at Gog Farm Shop near Cambridge, and used the facilities. Ended the day in Fen Ditton then headed back home. Got back around 1800. Aki baked a trout which we had with potatoes and vegetables. Worked till 2130. Caught the second half of a BBC4 documentary on the building of Britain's motorways...fascinating stuff. There are seven miles of M62 crossing the tops of the Pennines which ended up costing £1m per mile, and now take just seven minutes to drive along...the builders got literally bogged down in the peat!

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