Sunday 16 January 2022

Sunday 16th January 2022

Slept through until 0900. Hauled ourselves out of bed. Made a pancake batter, then did some oven cleaning while the batter was left for an hour to settle, or whatever it does! Had them with fruit, yoghurt, cream and chopped nuts. FaceTimed ma and pa, who both looked well...though dad had been grappling with a paper jam in his new A3 printer! Nice afternoon, so we took a hike up Highgate Hill and had a decaff at the Pink Cafe in Waterlow Park. Bumped into Nick Hall, who had played Thomas Cromwell for us at the Tower last November, sitting on a bench rolling a fag. He lives nearby...I asked him what his day job is, and he said "Film-maker", much to my surprise...he's done a degree and an MA, but work is sparse. He's planning to audition for Malvolio at the Tower for the summer Shakespeare in Paris slot. I quite fancy getting on board as AD, but have heard nowt from the director on that score...must chase that up. I did a couple of hours work at the computer before Aki served up some interesting tapas dishes for dinner...worked well. Rebecca next door had just made some lemon meringue pie, and donated a couple of slices to us for afters. Watched Alma's Not Normal, After Life, and Toast of Tinseltown...a triple whammy of laughs, before bath and bed.

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