Sunday 23 January 2022

Sunday 23rd January 2022

Woke around 0745 so got up and made a mug of tea, then sat at the computer for most of the morning, breaking only for Aki's cooked breakfast. Grey day outside. Did some blues rehearsal ahead of next weekend's band get together here. I think I'm in good shape. Delayed going out for a walk, as the Arsenal were due to kick off at 1400. Wandered through Highbury Fields and on to Belle Epoque on Upper Street where we shared a slice of quiche, and a custard flan...very good! Got home just before the Emirates chucked out the Gooners and Burnley fans. FaceTimed ma and pa...they looked in fine fettle. They showed us some of the possessions Jim has piled up in their garage...they could have a big bonfire in the back garden! Roasted a sea bass Italian style for dinner, with sauteed (or burnt) potatoes, and vegetables on the side. Watched Japanese movie "Drive My Car", based on a Murakami story. It dovetails the story of an actor/director and his wife with themes from Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" as it is rehearsed by the director and his 3 hours, I thought it would flag, but it was an engrossing piece of work...

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