Thursday 27 January 2022

Thursday 27th January 2022

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Hauled myself out of bed and sat in front of the computer, where I ate my porridge. Worked through until lunch break. Popped out in the afternoon to start some inspections in east London, which will be on-going for most of February. Shot of the Day was this photo of some flats in Glaucus Street, Bow Common...which lead me to wonder about the street name. Apparently Glaucus Pontius was a Greek sea God who had the gift of prophecy...shame he couldn't predict the architectural catastrophe that was the 1960s before it was all too late! How on earth did Glaucus end up in the East End of London? Got home at 1800. Cooked belly pork for dinner, with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly. Ricky Gervais's final series of After Life is proving a comparative disappointment...not as whacky as the first season, and the maudlin sections are getting tiresome. A dose of Seinfeld cheered us up.

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