Friday 21 January 2022

Friday 21st January 2022

Woke around 0800 and hauled myself out of bed. Started work at the computer at 0830. Got back in the car at 1030 and headed back to Whitechapel. Had to park some distance from the estate. Very cold hands, used to grip my clipboard, and take photos with my phone, were soon purple and blue with cold. Had packed a salad for lunch, but was so cold come lunchtime I sought out a sit down hot which time I was doing inspections in Shoreditch. Ate chicken noodle soup at Itsu behind Spitalfields Market. Got home around 1515. Aki cycled off to her hairdresser on Essex Road. I made a Spanish chicken and chorizo stew for dinner, which we had with orzo and cavolo nero. Marked the end of the working week with a beer, and watched a bit of telly. Early bath and bed...

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