Saturday 29 January 2022

Saturday 29th January 2022

Woke around 0800. Wanted to do some work uploading the photos I'd taken yesterday, but couldn't link up with the Savills online service for some reason...I presume IT are working on something. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger while I did a bit of tidying up before the band arrived. We were a bit low on soy sauce, so I popped over to the Chinese shop and bought a bottle. Martin and Janet brought alcohol free prosecco as they are trying to lose wasn't bad, though I prefer the alcohol version. Colin cycled over from Stratford in a head wind, so was a bit late. We had a bit of a natter before lunch. Janet works for Eye magazine, an expensive rag aimed at the graphic design industry. Martin trained in law, and runs an advice centre in Tower Hamlets, and does a bit of acting on the side when he can get it. Colin is a retired BBC sound engineer. We rehearsed some songs after lunch in preparation for next weekend's gig at the Tower Theatre. A splendid time was had by all...they left around 1730, and I cooked a mushroom and anchovy sauce which we had with some pasta. Watched the Australian Open women's tennis final...Ash Barty a worthy winner over a battling Danielle Collins.

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