Thursday 20 January 2022

Thursday 20th January 2022


Got up at 0800 and made tea. Heated some soup to take on today's road trip., and retrieved my packed dinner from the fridge. Headed for Mile End. Stopped off at Allpress in Dalston to pick up a coffee, and bought a salmon and celeriac sandwich to bolster my soup lunch later. There was a lot of activity on certain blocks within the estate, and I was astonished to learn that the building works entailed adding two storeys to some of the extant 60s era 4-storey blocks. It looks to be a mammoth undertaking. Took far longer to get round the Mile End stock than hoped, so ended up having a late lunch in the car park at Tesco opposite Three Mills Island. Then drove on to the Isle of Dogs, and then tried to take a bite out of the Cable Street stock, but only managed a nibble before darkness encroached. Drove to Stoke Newington. Ate my packed dinner of chicken pasta salad in the car. Bumped into Nick Hall again at the Tower. He was rehearsing some songs for gig night with Colin Guthrie, and I persuaded him to sing me the Robert Wyatt song he'd mentioned last weekend. Sounded great on the twelve string. Bianca turned up late for ukulele rehearsal. She's making heavy weather of it. She's not a natural strummer. George and Matthew turned up later, and we got to run the first half of the piece...which was very encouraging. Drove back home through the crowds as the Emirates spilled out over Finsbury Park...took twice as long to make the journey as it would do otherwise. Aki had been to Book Club...the new choice is Nowhere Man, by Aleksander Hemon.

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