Tuesday 18 January 2022

Tuesday 18th January 2022

Woke at 0730 but couldn't find the get-up-and-go to haul myself out of bed until gone 0800. Made a packed lunch, and breakfasted on porridge and tea. Attacked the mess in the front garden with some neat bleach in the hope that it would break it down a bit before giving it a sluicing. Headed off for Wimbledon at 0930. Stopped at Tesco in Morden to pick up some items for lunch, and ate in the car park. Drove back once it got too dark to take photos. Got home around 1815. Aki said she had cycled in to John Lewis's on Oxford Street to get replacement bulbs for the lamps above the dining table, only to get home and discover she had purchased bayonet instead of screw fittings! She'll have to cycle all the way back again tomorrow!!! Aki had warmed up the leftover fish pie for dinner. I did an hour or so at the computer, then we watched ep4 of The Tourist. Did a little rehearsing of the show song on ukulele, in advance of Thursday night's rehearsal. Then bath and bed.

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