Monday 3 January 2022

Sunday 2nd January 2022

Woke after 0900. Aki left tea outside my door, and then prepared a breakfast of ham and egg. Feeling OK this morning, but still testing positive. Today is day  6 of self-isolation, and I was hoping for a negative result today, and the same tomorrow would mean I can escape gaol. It's looking increasingly likely that I'll be banged up until Friday!!! Did some exercising out in the prison yard. Looked like it was threatening to rain, but it held off. Passed Aki some bed linen for washing, before she went out for a well-earned walk. I did a bit of work at the laptop before lunch. Pea and ham soup for lunch. Did a couple of hours' work at the laptop this afternoon. FaceTimed mum and dad, who had just gotten in after enjoying yet another jolly, this time to Newburn. They both look well enough. Listened to some footie on R5Live. First half of Chelsea v Liverpool was thrilling! Aki served up a Spanish chicken and white bean stew for dinner. Watched The Tourist, and some MOTD...before bath and bed.

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