Tuesday 25 January 2022

Tuesday 25th January 2022

Woke around 0645 and couldn't get back to sleep, so got up and did some work at the computer. Tea and porridge at my desk. Aki popped in to the Japanese Embassy to drop off some paperwork. She went via the tube, which she said wasn't too busy. She came back with some ramen noodles which we had for lunch in a soup with salmon and boiled egg....nom nom! Worked all afternoon, breaking at 1730 to warm up the chicken and chorizo stew for dinner, which we had with orzo and cabbage. Kath rang just as we were readying ourselves to go out...Jim had taken himself off to A&E complaining of chest pains. Kath didn't think it was serious, so we went on our way. Drove to the Tower Theatre to see "Krapp's Last Tape". Theatre about a third full for the first night. Not a bad rendition, if a little light on character detail. It was cold in there though, so we didn't go back for the second half chat with the director, but instead hightailed it home. Message from Kath saying Jim had been diagnosed with...chronic heartburn! We celebrated with a glass of port back in the warmth of the flat. Watched the end of an astonishing programme put together by the late great Maya Angelou, celebrating her devout love for all things Robbie Burns. The utter delight on her face as she sits and listens to various renditions of the great man's work was revelatory!

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