Tuesday 4 January 2022

Monday 3rd January 2022

Fitful night's sleep, for some reason. Woke every two hours or so. Got up around 0915. Aki said she hadn't slept well, either, having started worrying about getting her tax return done. I did some work at the laptop. Did some exercises in the back yard before lunch. Aki left a warm ham salad with fried halloumi at my door. She popped out to Boots mid-afternoon. I played some guitar and tried singing...my voice still tired a scuzzy, but a little better each time I have a sing. Read a few chapters of Shuggie Bain. Aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, followed by tiramisu. Watched Stephen Merchant's strange performance as Stephen Port, the murderer. He has a vague physical resemblance, I suppose, and doesn't have to do much acting wise except be a bit uncommunicative. Script's a bit pointed. Bath and bed. Interesting R4 piece on Kurt Schwitters, who I'd never heard of before...a prominent member of the Dada-ist movement, he created sound poetry, his masterpiece being "Ursonate", a 40 minute solo epic sound poem. Intrigued enough to track a performance down on YouTube...whether I'll stick with it for 40 minutes is another matter!

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