Sunday 30 January 2022

Sunday 30th January 2022

Woke around 0915....had to force ourselves out of bed! It had been a busy weekend so far...more of the same today. Aki cooked up an omelette for breakfast. I got my stuff together and drove to Stoke Newington for a rehearsal with Colin, Angharad and Stan...I'm playing guitar on a couple of songs they are delivering at the gig next weekend. Stan the violin player was dreadful...hopefully he'll get better as the week progresses! Then it was time for the short play production meeting. Jess Evans has been assigned our designer, and she ran through some ideas with us, and we also got allocated a lighting designer called Anna...we invited them along to Wednesday night's rehearsal so they can get a better idea of how the actors are utilising the space. Drove back home through heavy stuck on Blackstock Road for about 20 minutes!

As I drew up, I happened upon the next door neighbour washing his car...mine is so bad, I've been too embarrassed to take it to the hand car wash chaps round the corner, so saw my window of opportunity and seized it. Donated a couple of bottles to Sush's lager stockpile for his trouble. Aki had cooked a boiled ham for dinner, which we had with mashed potatoes and a mustard sauce...then it was back to the theatre for this evening's play rehearsal. Plodded through the final sections of the piece, and ran bits of's in pretty good they just need to double down on the line learning. Next rehearsal Wednesday. Got back home around 2100 and watched the BBC highlights from Melbourne as Rafa came from two sets down to win his 21st Grand Slam title...jaw dropping stuff from the great man!

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