Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Monday 24th January 2022


Woke around 0800 and hauled myself out of bed. Warmed up some of Aki's leek and potato soup to take for my lunch break. Headed south of the river via waterloo Bridge. Stopped off at M&S in Colliers Wood to pick up some lunch items to add to my portion of soup. Ate in the car on a retail park just north of Purley. Finished the working day in Croydon as dusk settled, and drove to Stoke Newington. Bought a chicken shish kebab for dinner, which I ate in the car, before meeting George for a quick catch up before rehearsals. I was tasked with taking a team photo for the online newsletter. Struggled to stay awake during rehearsals, but got through it...got home around 2200. Watched the News before bath and bed.

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