Saturday 15 January 2022

Friday 14th January 2022

Woke at 0730. Breakfasted on porridge and tea. Headed out toward south-east London in the sunshine. Stopped off at Tesco in Surrey Quays and bought some lunch items...however, by the time lunchtime came around, I found myself near Borough Market, so bought myself some street food and ate it sat on a wooden bench under the market roof. Ended the working day in Camberwell, then drove up to Stoke Newington. Ate my packed lunch for dinner, in the car. Had a brief meeting with George the director ahead of this evening's rehearsals...he generously offered me the opportunity to take a rehearsal session at some point in the process. Rehearsal went OK, though George is still concentrating on the final scenes, so we haven't done a full read through yet. I guess he's waiting for the cast members to learn their lines first...Matthew has a lot to learn! Got home around 2200. Watched a bit of Friday night telly with Aki before bath and bed.

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