Saturday 8 January 2022

Saturday 8th January 2022

Woke around 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and cooked a breakfast of ham and eggs with avocado chilli toast. Grey and wet outside...the forecast is for this to continue all day, so doesn't look like we'll get a walk in. Had planned to go to the Tower Theatre director's workshop this afternoon, but given yesterday's albeit slight hint of continued infection, decided to stay away. Meant I could tidy up the bedroom prior to Aki moving back in, should she so desire! I cooked an apple and pear crumble, which we had for lunch with custard. The rain seemed to clear in the afternoon, so we made a break for it and walked up Highgate Hill and bought gelati at the Italian deli near the top of the hill. The heavens opened on us as we headed into Waterlow Park, so we ate our contraband in the timber shelter in the park. Walked home in heavy rain. I roasted a whole cauliflower for dinner, with shallots, mushrooms, spinach, pearl barley, topped with parmesan and hazelnuts. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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