Sunday 9 January 2022

Sunday 9th January 2022


Woke around 0930. Hauled ourselves out of bed. I cooked eggs for breakfast, and we finished off Aki's boiled ham. Did LFTs, and both posted negative results. Watched some FA Cup football before a late lunch of potato peel crisps and tomato ketchup. Drove up to Helen's to return the electric heaters we'd borrowed before Christmas. Scottish jigs and reels rehearsal at the North Nineteen this evening. A couple of violinists failed to show, so we were a bit depleted. We ordered some food from the Japanese chef and ate around the big table in the snug. I went for the chicken katsu curry, and Aki braved the chicken roast. Got home about 2000 and rang ma and pa. Mum said Dad had been ill with headaches, but seemed better now...I urged her to persuade him to take a test to check on his covid status. Watched The Tourist...distinctly underwhelming. Bath and bed...back to work tomorrow!!!

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