Friday 7 January 2022

Friday 7th January 2022

Alarm at 0800. Felt a bit groggy this morning...very stuffy nose. Took a LFT which showed I was still positive, though the line is so faint I needed my reading glasses to spot it! Celebrated the end of my 10 day isolation period with a cup of coffee! Did some work at the laptop, before we headed out for a walk to Highbury Fields and back. Felt OK, but a bit cold out! Aki made some lunch, then drove off to Waitrose. We both worked till late, so dinner was a bit late too...Aki cooked a mapo. Watched the inimitable Olivia Colman in "The Lost Daughter"...directed by Maggie Gyllenhall. Great performance from the Dame in waiting. The story is one of regret and melancholy, and there was an ominous strain throughout the narrative, which jarred a bit with the strangely happy ending. The jury is out...

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