Thursday 18 November 2021

Wednesday 17th November 2021


Woke around 0700. Got up and made a mug of tea, and sat at the computer for a couple of hours. We had porridge for breakfast, then I headed out to do some inspections locally. Aki had a zoom interview with a Japanese version of the Samaritans charity. She's going to give it a go...maybe an hour a week. She'll be on call during the day here, but it'll be night time in Japan, of course. See how it goes. I came home for lunch at 1300, then worked at the computer until 1500. We wandered over to Carlos and Jane's at No.36 for 1530. An old friend of Carlos's works for a Refugee charity, and had come across a flamenco guitarist from Syria, so booked him to do a gig in Carlos's front room as a birthday present. Ben from No.38 joined us. It was a strangely intimate affair, but once everyone felt relaxed with the set up, it was a delightful way to spend a November afternoon. Maouyad had come over in 2014, and is now living in Slough, but is an online student with Swansea University, where he is studying International Affairs and Politics. Interesting fellow. Got back home around 1800 and cooked Spanish chicken and chorizo stew for dinner...rather apt. Shame Maouyad had to trek back to Slough, as he would have enjoyed a bit of Spanish cuisine post gig. Watched Stockport County v Bolton in the FA Cup replay...great game...Stockport were awesome! Bath and bed.

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