Wednesday 10 November 2021

Tuesday 9th November 2021

Alarm at 0700. As there is no room at the Ship & Trades tonight, and couldn't get in at my other haunt at Bridgewood Manor, I thought I'd try and get an early start in the hope that I could finish inspections by dusk, then drive home. Had breakfast of poached egg and avocado on sourdough, with a chipotle mayo...can't say I enjoyed the chipotle's a rather unseemly addition to a breakfast dish! On the road by 0845 and headed for Gillingham, then on to Rainham, before driving southward to Waldeslade and Hempstead. Stopped at Hempstead shopping centre where I bought lunch at Costa, and ate it in the multi-storey car park. By the time it began to get dark, around 1630, it was clear that I wasn't going to get finished by nightfall...managed to get hold of someone at Holiday Inn, and booked a room for tonight. Oddly, the booking was made by a fellow in the US...he kept saying "awesome" every other sentence! It seems Holiday Inns are run by an American company called IHG. Fortunately he booked me in to the Rochester, Kent, hotel rather than the Rochester, New York State accommodation. Drove back to the Ship & Trades for fish and chips and mushy peas from the fish and chip shop there, and sat and ate in the car, overlooking the marina. 

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