Wednesday 10 November 2021

Wednesday 10th November 2021

Aki called at 0745, waking me up. Hadn't had a great night's sleep, as the mattress was a bit too firm. Got up and made tea, and jumped in the shower. Had a buffet breakfast before packing my stuff in the boot of the car and heading off to Chatham to complete the inspections. Finished by 1300 and headed for home, stopping off at IKEA for a meatball lunch, complete with Swedish flag! Wandered through the market hall intending to pick up some batteries, but they don't appear to sell them anymore, only re-chargeables. Got home around 1530. Worked at the computer till 1815, then cooked a gnocchi bake with peas, broccoli, and tomatoes in a cheesey sauce. James Earls-Davis, the sound man from the New Vic in Stoke, had sent me four CD's...instrumental pieces he's been working on over the lockdown periods. Enjoyed listening to them whilst reading a bit of Hilary before bath and bed.

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