Saturday 6 November 2021

Saturday 6th November 2021

Woke around 0700. Went back to sleep for a bit, then got up and brought Hilary Mantel to bed with entering the final furlong, though still 200 pages to go. Got up around 1000 and cooked breakfast. Aki had sent photos of last night's girls' night out. Looked as though they had all had a good time. Spent the remainder of the morning reading and listening to music. Aki called from the restaurant as they were leaving, so I got to wave at the proprietor, who I met when we dined there a few years ago. Walked up to Archway late afternoon for a bit of exercise, and bought some bits and pieces in Aldi. Walked back home via the dry cleaner to pick up the trousers I'd left him to take up. Warmed up a portion of the mushroom and tofu rendang for dinner, with rice, greens, and a garlic naan. Carlos and Jane came and rang my doorbell at about 9pm. They had friends, Maggie and Phil, stopping over, from Bristol, and we all walked up to the North Nineteen for some blues...Rollo and Lewis were in full flight as we came in through the doors. The pub filled up, and Rollo introduced a couple of guest artistes during the course of the evening...we particularly enjoyed Doreen, who did a great Etta James number. Walked back down Sussex Way with Carlos and Jane, Maggie and Phil having bailed out early. Promised to arrange a dinner booking at Girasole once Aki back in town. FaceTimed Aki in her hotel room in Tokyo...she and Haa-chan had just got up and were having a light breakfast. It was well past midnight before I got to bed!

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