Thursday 25 November 2021

Thursday 25th November 2021

Aki up early...I got up shortly afterward, and we had tea and porridge. I spent the morning working at the computer. Aki left for her meeting in Balham with her new client, who wants a kitchen and bathroom refurbishment in a flat she rents out. I broke for lunch...poached an egg and made a couple of potato fritters. Aki got home around 1730. Warmed up the Goan fish curry for dinner, which we had with rice and dahl. The TV news gets ever more depressing, but I enjoyed an hour long documentary on the history of the was once part of a long neolithic path which came to be called The Harrow Way...the Romans then built their straight line version over part of it, the Fosse Way, which, incredibly, went all the way to Lincoln!!! Couldn't bear to watch the Ten O'Clock News, so early bath and bed.

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