Monday 29 November 2021

Sunday 28th November 2021

Read in bed for a bit...finished the Book Club read, "A Shameful Life"...not sure what to think of it, feels like the writings of a mentally ill man, and as such he's quite difficult a character to engage with...the writing style and content keep you distanced from him emotionally. Aki cooked a late brunch, then we took a constitutional up Highgate Hill and had a coffee at Lauderdale House. Very cold out, but bright and sunny. Walked back home. FaceTimed ma and pa, who seemed OK, but related the strange tale of Jim and the £100 candle...apparently purchased on a whim and sent to a woman he had never met! Sounds like the starting point for the plot of an episode of Midsummer Murders. I cooked the shin of beef we'd bought yesterday...needs at least 4 hours in the oven, cooking in beef stock and stout. Smelt great! Aki cooked up a dill and green vegetable soup to have tomorrow. Don't plan to eat the beef until tomorrow either...apparently the flavours benefit from it sitting in the fridge for a day or two. I warmed up a couple of portions of my vegetable lasagna instead. Watched an interesting little documentary on Alan Hull, the creative force behind Lindisfarne, then a bit of MOTD2 before bath and bed.

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