Tuesday 2 November 2021

Monday 1st November 2021


Woke around 0845. Got up to make a mug of tea. Aki had sent a photo of herself and her niece partaking in a noodle making workshop on their trip to the Izu Peninsula. Look good enough to eat! They were due to travel back to Tokyo this afternoon. Had some breakfast then did some exercises prior to heading to the Community Health Centre for my physio appointment. He seemed happy with where I said I was, and discharged me on the assumption I would carry on with the exercises for the foreseeable future. Got home before it started raining again. Aki called from the Chiba flat. It sounds as though she and Erika really enjoyed their brief Izu getaway. Did a bit more reading this afternoon. Tony texted to say he wouldn't get here till gone 2100 so I had some of Rebecca's leftover curry and rice for dinner. Tony arrived as I was putting the bins out. We watched a very interesting documentary on Hilary Mantel. Strange childhood...her mother moved her lover in to the family home, and eventually they all left her dad and moved from Hadfield in Derbyshire to Romilley in Cheshire, and the young Hilary never saw her dad again. She went to a rather austere Convent School, patrolled by sadistic nuns!!! 

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