Friday 5 November 2021

Thursday 4th November 2021

Woke around 0745 with a bit of a sore throat. Went back to bed with a mug of tea, before getting up and fixing Tony some porridge for breakfast. Did a bit of reading this morning. Tony left about midday in holiday marks the end of a busy three months, so he was looking forward to picking his dogs up from his mum and dad in Seaford and heading back to Hastings. Ben and Gayu came round to the front door with Indian sweets to mark Divali. Popped out to Tesco Express across the road for some odds and ends...needed a can of coconut milk to turn my dhansak into a dahl, in the hope that it will taste better. Aki called around lunchtime. She's just about finished tidying up the paperwork, and has started to plan her packing for the return flight next week. Spent most of the afternoon listening to music. Made a mushroom and tofu rendang for dinner, with pilau rice...very tasty. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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