Tuesday 9 November 2021

Monday 8th November 2021

Woke at 0600 for some reason. Dry mouth, and a bit of a cough. Oximeter reading good, but did a Lateral Flow Test just in case. Came out negative, so good to go. Set off around 0900 and headed toward the Blackwall Tunnel. Stopped for petrol in Greenwich, then headed on down the A2 to Strood. Stopped off at M&S and picked up a coffee. Inspections in Strood, Hoo, and Rochester. Had my lunch in the car park at Morrisons in Strood. Ended the working day in Chatham, and then headed for the Ship & Trades hotel, on the marina at St Mary's Island. No wi-fi available, apparently because of a fire they had had last week. Could still smell it as I made my way upstairs to my room. Had dinner in the restaurant...ribeye steak and sauteed potatoes. Took Hilary's enormous tome with me, which got the waitress interested. She said she was researching her family tree, but was unable to tell me whether she was related to Thomas Cromwell. 

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