Tuesday 23 November 2021

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Up relatively early, so did a bit of work at the computer, and jumped in the car at 0900. Today I headed westward, to Camden Town, Hampstead, Kilburn, Wembley...had my lunch in the car at London Gateway service station on the M1, and from thence to St Albans, before heading for Caversham. Got there just as the sun was setting...nice drive, coming off the M4 at Sonning and taking the narrow bridge across Sonning Eye. Thought about calling in on Roz in Caversham Heights, but felt I needed to get home to write up today's inspection notes...too much work at the moment! Though that didn't stop me taking a quick break at the huge John Lewis store on the outskirts of Wycombe on my way home. Had a browse for possible Christmas presents. Got home at 1930. Aki had cooked up the rendang leftovers, with added mushrooms and tofu, which we had with rice. Did a bit more work at the computer before bath and bed.

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