Sunday 14 November 2021

Sunday 14th November 2021

Up at 0900 to make tea. Had a read of Hilary in bed, then got up and cooked breakfast while Aki fielded a FaceTime call from Kath. She's been active on again...!!! She narrowly missed a date with a Chuckle brother last week, and is meeting a Roger for coffee today! I told her she now had enough material for a convincing stand-up act. 

Walked up to Waterlow Park for a coffee and cake, which we consumed on a park bench. rather grey day, but very mild. Called in on Helen and Martin in Fairbridge Road, but Vicky answered the door, and told us they were up in Newcastle for the weekend. Read some Hilary...on the final run in now...Cromwell has been arrested on trumped up charges and conveyed to the Tower. FaceTimed ma and pa. Dad had had a busy day marching about in the village laying a wreath at the war memorial...he was representing the Civic Society. Hopefully, he'll have been snapped by the Pont News marching slightly out of step. Warmed up a couple of generous portions of gnocchi bake for dinner, with a side salad. Watched Danish movie Another Round, about a group of middle-aged school teachers who decide to experiment with alcohol, after learning that a Danish philosopher surmised that humans are born with an innate alcohol deficiency...topping up their levels, they find a new lease of life, but when they up their daily intake, disaster ensues! the final reel seemed to suggest that in moderation, it has life-enhancing powers...not so sure, myself!

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