Sunday 7 November 2021

Sunday 7th November 2021

Got up around 0930. Made tea and went back to bed with Hilary for a bit. Got up and cooked breakfast. Didn't get up to much today...reading, listening to music, playing guitar. Aki called from Mr Shimizu's. She was just going to bed. She had accompanied the family dog on her evening walk earlier...turns out they have a Bedlington Terrier...I told Aki that Bedlington is very near Morpeth! FaceTimed ma and pa, who seemed on good has been writing to the local press complaining about the state of the river bank in the village, and drafting an objection to the local Council about plans to convert the old village police station into yet another many restaurants can a village sustain!? Spoke to Kath. Jim had gone up to his room, having been drinking most of the day. He had apparently planned to have a couple of dry weeks, but doesn't seem to have gotten started yet. I finished up the mushroom and tofu rendang for dinner, with plenty of vegetables, and some rice. Very tasty...I shall be doing that recipe again, for sure. Listened to West Ham as they beat Liverpool 3-2...they are on a great run at the moment...Tony will be pleased! Fell asleep on the sofa, so decided I ought to have an early bath and get to bed. Aki texted me to say she had been woken up at 0430 by an earthquake...seem to be lots of minor quakes happening all over Japan at present...some fear this presages a Big One!!! Scary! She's heading back to the flat in Chiba later today. 

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