Friday 5 November 2021

Friday 5th November 2021


Woke around 0700. Got back into bed with a mug of tea and read some Mantel. Aki called from Chiaki's pad...she was about to sit down to dinner with her, and Yoshio. I gave them a wave before they tucked in! Didn't get up to much a little, listened to music, and played guitar. Chicken soup for lunch, and chicken cacciatore for dinner with mustard mash, and greens. Watched a documentary on the making of Simon & Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water album...what a song that is! The documentary was followed by a screening of their 1981 concert in Central Park. Made me want to learn some Paul Simon numbers on the guitar. Aki called from Chiaki's, having just woken up. She's headed for Shinjuku today, meeting up with her old school mate Haa-chan, and a trip to a favourite restaurant. 

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