Saturday 20 November 2021

Saturday 20th November 2021

Woke at 0430 worrying about the amount of work that is piling up on my plate, so couldn't get back to sleep! Did a couple of hours at the computer before going back to bed for a bit. We got up at 0800 and made tea, then read in bed for a while. I started "A Shameful Life", the book club read. Made croque madame for breakfast. Pottered about...did some physio exercises, some reading, playing guitar and singing, while Aki began work at the computer on a small residential project she's got for a kitchen and bathroom refurbishment in Balham. Aki made a noodle soup for lunch, topped with smoked oysters....very tasty. At 1500 we headed out, walking to the Health Centre on North Street, near Caledonian Road tube station...good half-hour schlepp. 
It was pretty busy, with a short queue outside the main doors, and a rather bureaucratic system...we had to fill in forms, and get a number, which we waited to be called prior to going in for our covid booster jabs. I took it like a man, but Aki was a bit girly about it...but only because she's a girl. Walked back in the gloaming. Warmed up the Spanish chicken stew for dinner, and made mashed potatoes. A Bonne Maman creme brulee each for dessert. Watched "Limbo", a wonderfully artful film set amongst a motley crew of asylum seekers, housed on an island in the Hebrides. Beautifully crafted film making from Ben Sharrock, who I haven't heard of before, and who, judging by his shot making, is a big fan of Roy Andersson. Really enjoyed it...funny, surreal, moving, and poignant.

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