Wednesday 24 November 2021

Wednesday 24th November 2021


Woke around 0715. Got up and made tea and did some work at the computer before porridge. Aki warmed up the cabbage soup she'd made yesterday for me to take for lunch, and I made a sandwich to go with it. Headed south-west to Wandsworth...drove past Phil and Cath's old place on Earlsfield Road. Then on to Streatham, before heading for Charlton. Had my soup in the car park at IKEA, a favoured haunt. Very tasty!!! Finished up in 'eck, it's grim down sarf! Then back through the Blackwall Tunnel to pick up some Clarion stock in Poplar and Stepney before darkness fell and put an end to my day's inspections. Got home around 1730. Had pork shoulder for dinner, with vegetable cakes and greens, and an IKEA bought gravy, the one that goes on the famous meatballs. Watched a couple of TV chefs hanging out in Venice, then practised our Xmas ukulele tunes ahead of Brett's forthcoming Xmas bash. Bath, and bed.

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