Friday 26 November 2021

Friday 26th November 2021


Another day at the computer interface. Aki also working on preliminaries for her new Balham project. Broke for lunch of soup and gyoza. More of the same this afternoon. We had an early dinner...Aki made a pesto sauce, which we had with pasta. Then we drove to Stoke Newington to see their production of Conor McPherson's "Port Authority"...nearly didn't make it, the traffic was so bad! Manage to park right outside the theatre with about 5 minutes to curtain up. Simple set design, with a pier-side bollard for each of the three protagonists to perch on. The show is a series of interwoven monologues from three male characters, one in his late teens, one a middle-aged failure, and one a regretful pensioner in a residential home. As such, it's not really a play at all, and although beautifully written, it never really takes off as a piece of theatre. Performances were pretty good, although a line was requested by all three actors on one or two occassions, which interfered a little with the flow of the piece. 

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