Wednesday 3 November 2021

Tuesday 2nd November 2021


Woke around 0845. Got up and made tea. Treated Tony to chocolate porridge for breakfast. Aki called. She had presided over the clearance of her mum's care home room this afternoon. I spent an hour or so tracking down bits of paperwork she needed emailing over...took a while, but got there in the end. Took a walk up Highgate Hill for some exercise, as it was another bright sunshiny autumn day. Had a salt beef bagel and a coffee in Waterlow Park, before walking back down the hill. Read a bit more Mantel, which made me come over a bit sleepy, so had a lie down for half-an-hour or so. Tony back for aubergine parmigiana lasagna, followed by pear cobbler and custard. Watched Anthony Hopkins' Oscar-winning performance in The Father. Superbly written and conceived...based on a stage play. Aki called for a brief chat before bath and bed.

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