Saturday 27 November 2021

Saturday 27th November 2021


Woke around 0900 after a good night's sleep. No sign the Storm Arwen had come our way overnight...all looked calm outside. We had a late brunch of avocado on toast with poached eggs before deciding to head up to the Farmer's Market at Whittington Park to get bread. By the time we set off it had started raining, and the wind was beginning to get up. Aki wrapped up warm in her refugee camp fashion get up! We got there just in time to claim one of the last loaves. Got home, but then decided we ought to make a dash for the fishmonger while the football hooligans from Newcastle were still watching the game at the Emirates. We managed to do a shop in Waitrose on the way back, but got a little caught up in the traffic when we came out, the game having ended...with another defeat for the Magpies. I cooked an apple crumble, which we had after Aki's baked rainbow trout and fried courgettes. Watched the very excellent "I'm Your Man", that rare thing, a German comedy. Lovely performance from Dan Stevens as the humanoid love-interest. That's three really good movies in a row...we're on a roll! 

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