Tuesday 16 November 2021

Monday 15th November 2021


Worked from home at the computer for most of the day. Aki cooked omelette for lunch. I finished reading Hilary...Cromwell's final days are recorded vividly, viscerally, and poetically, linking the final paragraphs to her equally visceral opening to Wolf Hall. It's a magnificent achievement. What a vile bunch we English were...no wonder Hilary is moving to Ireland!!! Aki popped out to the Post Office to put Jim's birthday card in the post and run a couple of errands. Carlos and Jane came by to say hello and invite over to a concert at No.36 on Wednesday...one of Carlos's chums has given him a birthday present of an intimate gig with a Syrian guitarist...we will all have to cram into his bedroom on Wednesday afternoon...hope the musician isn't a frustrated failed asylum seeker with a grudge!!! Aki cooked a mapo for dinner, which we had with rice and greens...very tasty. Aki fell asleep on the sofa, and went to bed after an early bath. I watched a bit of telly and strummed some guitar before retiring.

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