Wednesday 3 November 2021

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Woke at 0800. Got up to make tea. Tony got up a bit later, and I made him some porridge. Pottered about during the morning, not doing very much. Tony left for Waterloo around noon, and I did a bit of work at the computer. Broke for some lunch. Aki called. She had had a good day sorting out paperwork, and has all but broken the back of it. Just the property to sort out now. Did a bit more work this afternoon, then some reading. Managed to do a bit of work on the bathroom shower step, clearing the way for adhering some new tiling. Warmed up some Thai curry sauce for dinner, which I found in the freezer, served up with cumin rice, aloo gobi and pakora leftover from the weekend. 

Drove down to Farringdon after dinner. Forgot that the Congestion Charge Zone has been extended to 10pm, so the evening's entertainment cost me an extra £15!!! Bumped into Marianne, my choreographer in Lulu's Living Room, and her friend Paul, in the downstairs bar at the Betsy Trotwood. Lovely evening with a mixed bag of fare...some very zany original songs from Diego Brown & the Good Fairy, and some very funny new material from John Hegley. Bob Karper was on the bill...he has had a lean time of it during the pandemic. He said Natasha had been working, though, and was returning this evening after a month's residency in Berlin. Bob did a bit of his last one-man show, which we had seen at Chats Palace a couple of years or so ago. He's hoping to tour it next year. Gave Marianne and Paul a lift to Tufnell Park, then home to clock in briefly with Aki. She'd just got up. She's spending the day doing some preliminary packing prior to flying home next week.

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