Thursday 18 November 2021

Thursday 18th November 2021

Woke at 0715. Got up and made tea. We had porridge for breakfast. Headed out early for inspections in Haringay...loads of street properties, so it's a bit like wading through meat in high heels! Leek and potato soup for was had cheddar cheese in the mix. Got dark a little after 1600 so finished up in Haringey, and headed for a postcode near there just as the gloaming was gathering. Home by 1630. Worked at the computer until 1930. Aki cooked a mushroom and tempeh rendang for dinner. She found the tempeh in Green &'s got a slightly soapy flavour...I think I preferred the tofu version I made a couple of months ago. FaceTimed ma and pa who were hosting Jim's birthday dinner...they were all getting soused on the vino. Jim and Kath expressed an interest in coming down for a brief visit to see The Shark Is Broken. Watched MasterChef to get some inspiration. Early bath and bed.

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