Monday 29 November 2021

Monday 29th November 2021

Slightly disturbed night's sleep, as I woke around 0500 with half my right hand completely numbed...don't know where that came from, unless it's from practising The Boxer on the guitar, as it involves a right hand picking technique that I don't often employ. Still giving me a bit of gip when I got up around 0900. Had breakfast at the computer. Broke for lunch at around 1330. We had Aki's dill and broccoli soup with a crust of bread. Worked at the laptop in the afternoon. Broke around 1700 and made some dough for my beef cobbler, and cooked it in the oven for 45 minutes. We ate it with carrots, leeks and peas...very tasty. Watched a bit of telly after dinner. Got a message from Brett postponing next weekend's planned Xmas party, much to everyone's relief, by the sounds of it. Bath and bed.

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