Sunday 1 August 2021

Wednesday 28th July 2021

Got up and did some ironing prior to packing before the journey northward. Had ourselves a large late brunch, Aki being keen to use up what was left in the fridge. Set off early afternoon, and drove to Great Glen near Leicester to pop in on Chris Martin and Mary Jo...they live in two small cottages on the village High Street, which have been knocked together, though not knocked through, so the rooms remain very cramped. Mary Jo had baked a lemon drizzle cake, and we had an hour to enjoy a catch up and a cuppa tea. Can't believe Chris is nearly 80. He retains a youthful enthusiasm for life which I fondly recall from working with him at the New Vic in Stoke, though his time is now largely spent tending a profusion of vegetables that they cultivate in the back garden.

Drove onward up the A606 to West Bridgford. Bob came out to greet us looking very trim. He's had the all-clear on the prostate cancer, but was very ill a couple of weeks ago, having contracted some kind of infection which got on to his kidneys and threatened to turn into sepsis. Thankfully, he is now regaining his health, and was on good form. Lottie made us a cup of tea, and then showed us to our room, which they have been renting out as an AirBnB. Drove out to a country pub for dinner, making a detour into Keyworth to visit No.34 Ashley Road, where I lived from 1959 to 1965. It's still recognisable in terms of shape, but has been rendered externally, and the garage turned into habitable space. Can't quite believe it was that small...but then I was small at the time!

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