Sunday 1 August 2021

Thursday 29th July 2021

Got up around 0800...Bob already up and about preparing the breakfast spread, which included Lottie's ace sourdough loaf, to which Bob added crushed avocado with chilli oil...very tasty. Bob had dug out the old final year UES degree team photo, wanting help remembering names, but I'm hopeless at that. Will have to get Jim on it. Hit the road around 1030, and headed for the city centre to give Aki a feel of the Nottingham. Drove over the River Trent and pointed out the green roofs of County Hall, and then headed northward up the Mansfield Road, past our final year flat share, which is now a, very, low-budget hotel. Stopped off to use the facilities at the Robin Hood Visitor Centre in Sherwood Forest, then joined the A1(M). Stopped for a late lunch at a farm shop near Scotch Corner. Surprised to find three large camels in the first field, and ostrich and rhea in the barns! The ham baps were comparatively unprepossessing. Took a detour via Barnard Castle, then re-joined the A1 at Durham Services. Got held up in very slow traffic coming over the Tyne near Scotswood, so veered off onto the A69 and came in to Darras via Callerton. Ma and pa had got the gardens looking great, and we sat out back with a cup of tea before Kath turned up and mum served dinner. Nowt much on the telly. Felt a bit whacked after the exertions of the last two days, so it was early to bed.

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